Don’t just make a difference. Be the difference. Our Shared Living Program seeks individuals and families willing to share their home or apartment and provide support for an adult with an intellectual disability or autism. Shared living providers develop strong, supportive, often roommate or family-like relationships with the individual in their home. – all while making a real, lasting impact in your community.

This is a CONTRACTED position, not an employed position. Shared living providers receive a generous tax-free stipend for their services plus additional payment for room and board. The daily rate is $125.00


A desire to share your home or apartment and help an adult with autism or developmental disabilities develop a meaningful and connected life. Experience working with individuals with autism and developmental disabilities.

Spurwink considers the health and safety of its clients, staff, contractors, and the community to be its highest priority. Spurwink is working closely with the CDC, DHHS, DOE, CDS, and other partners to operate in the manner that is safest for all while also providing essential behavioral health services.

Spurwink is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Zip Code: 04103
City: Portland
Job Overview

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